Thursday, February 16, 2012

Dentist Dr Karen Chu On – Kids Dental Emergencies | Shattered Tooth

 One moment everything is normal and the very next, you hear a hair-raising cry from the direction of the garden where your child is playing with a few friends. You rush out to check what happened and find your kid screaming in pain – a blow to the mouth appears to have loosened or broken a tooth!

When older kids and teenagers participate in sports activities, the rough and tumble of the game may lead to permanent teeth becoming loosened or knocked out and/or injuries to the jaw. Handling these situations in the right way can be critical in deciding if damage to the teeth can be reversed.

 Most of us know by now to find an intact tooth and bring it with us to the dentist. But what do we do in the case of a shattered tooth? 

Phoenix kids dentist Dr Chu has an article on her website about What you can do as an immediate response to childhood and teen dental emergencies. Here is an excerpt about dealing with your child's shattered tooth.

Childhood Dental Emergency 2 – A Shattered Tooth

'If your kid’s tooth has shattered into pieces, locate the fragments and take them to the dentist at once. If you are quick enough, the dentist may be able to salvage the tooth by re-bonding the fragments using dental glue.'

It seems simple doesn't it? 

But how many of us would have thought to do so in the heat of an emergency -- with all its confusion pain and trauma?
 It is important for parents to read up on what to do in advance of an emergency. Being prepared is one of the best things any parent can do for their children AND their own peace of mind.

If you would like to read the rest of this article you can locate the full article at

Keep Smiling!

Phoenix Kids Dentist Dr Karen Chu – Articles To Inform and Support Healthy Smiles

Dr Karen Chu is a Phoenix Kids Dentist with a passion to help parents feel comfortable taking an active and interactive role with their kid’s dentists, dental care and daily dental habits and routines.

 Don’t forget to share these with another parent!